We moved to the Colorado School of Mines in Golden Colorado (USA) last July !
Our mission @Mines is to engage in new experimental and theoretical exploration of topics related to Metamaterials and Metasurfaces for wavefront shaping, 3D imaging and optical computation. In particular, we investigate fundamental theoretical and experimental problems aiming to integrate, at the nanoscale, passive and active optical Metasurfaces. |
With the development of artificial optical materials, it is now possible to arbitrarily engineer the optical response of a medium or an interface to create spectacular optical effects such as anomalous refraction and cloaking.
Dr. Genevet participated actively to the development of a new class of ultrathin 2D materials -dubbed “Metasurfaces”- able to control light without using the effect of light propagation.
Photonic Surfaces |
Acting directly at the level of the boundary conditions of Maxwell's equations, metasurfaces can produce specialized electromagnetic properties which do not occur in nature. Applications of metasurfaces include anomalous reflection and refraction, wavefront engineering, polarization control, holography, optical vortex generation, spin-Hall effect, surface cloaking, laser collimations, artificial nonlinear phase matching ... |

Dec 2022, Christina Kyrou and Patrice Genevet received the "Prix d'excellence" from the Université Côte d'Azur for the influence they bring to the Université Côte d'Azur during the evening of the winners of the 2022 excellence awards. Christina Kyrou was the winner of the 2022 i- PhD program organized by the public investment bank. In 2022, Patrice Genevet received the Fabry - de Gramont prize awarded by the French optical society. He was also distinguished in the Highly Cited Researchers category (top 1% of most cited researchers since 2018). Patrice Genevet also received the "Coup de coeur" award for 2022 from the president of the university, Jeanick Brisswalter.

Sept 2022, Renato Juliano Martins and co-workers published the fastest Metasurface LiDAR in Nature Communications
Metasurface-enhanced light detection and ranging technology
Metasurface-enhanced light detection and ranging technology

July 2022, Christina Kyrou, lauréate du concours iPhD 2022 for her project AUTONOM which aims at developing a new LiDAR system: a light beam scanning system based on an innovative technology based on the use of programmable metasurfaces using liquid crystals, to reach scanning frequencies up to MHz. The use of CMOS compatible technologies makes it possible to reduce the manufacturing costs of LiDARs, thus facilitating their integration for the robots and autonomous vehicles of the future.

July 2022, Patrice Genevet, Lauréat du prix Fabry - de Gramont 2021: The Fabry-de Gramont Prize of the Société Française d'Optique was established in memory of the physicist Charles Fabry (1867-1945), first director general of the Institut d'Optique, famous for his work on interference, and of Mr. Armand de Gramont (1879-1962), industrial optician, founder of the Institut d'Optique. The prize rewards a young researcher (under 40), internationally recognized, whose research work has been noted for its quality, originality and potential impact. Patrice Genevet is rewarded for his innovative work on optical metasurfaces.

May 2022, Q&A interview at Nature Communications on "Getting topological photonics out of the laboratory"
Sept 2021, Congratulations for the paper on "Plasmonic Topological Metasurface by Encircling an Exceptional Point" published in Science
July 2021, Congratulations for the paper on "Broadband decoupling of intensity and polarization wih Vectorial Fourier Metasurfaces" published in Nature Communications
May 2021, Congratulations for the review "Nanophotonics for Light Detection and Ranging Technology" published in Nature Nanotechnology

January 2021, Congratulations for the paper on "Bandwidth-unlimited polarization-maintaining metasurfaces" published in Science Advances

www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-17773-6August 2020, Congratulations for the paper on "Chirality-assisted geometric-phase metasurfaces" published in Nature Communications
June 2020, Congratulations to the team for the paper on "Ptychography retrieval of fully polarized holograms from geometric-phase metasurfaces" published online in Nature Communications

January 2020, Congratulations to the team for the paper on "Metasurface-integrated VCSELs" published online in Nature Nanotechnology

ERC Proof of Concept 2019
i-LiDAR project has been awarded by the European Research Council
The aim is to realize a metasurface-Integrated Light Detection and Ranging system.
i-LiDAR project has been awarded by the European Research Council
The aim is to realize a metasurface-Integrated Light Detection and Ranging system.

July 2019, Congratulations to the team for the paper on "Metasurface Orbital Angular Momentum Holography" published online in Nature Communications
June 2019, Congratulations to Peinan Ni for the paper on "MoS2 metasurface gate photoluminescence modulation" published online in ACS Photonics
May 2019, Welcome to Qinghua Song (Postdoctoral fellow) arriving from NUS, Singapore
APRIL 2019, The French Physical Society awarded the 2017 Aimé-Cotton Prize to Patrice Genevet for all of his theoretical and experimental work on optical metasurfaces.
December 2018, Our work on Hybrid meta-optics has been published in Advanced Materials
October 2018
PhD student Gauthier Brière won the Pierre Laffitte for his innovating work on GaN metasurfaces, considered of great applicative and industrial interest by the committee. |
August 2018, Our work on free-form metasurfaces published in NAture Communications
March 2018 Andrès De Luna BUGALLO, recognized as one of the Mexico's most promising young researchers, received ERC-CONACYT grant to come to Europe and temporarily join FLATLIGHT research teams.
August 2017
January 2017
October 2016:
Welcome to Gauthier BRIERE (PhD student)
July 2016:
Dr. Genevet and Prof. Jun S. Rho won Korea(NRF)-EU(ERC) collaboration grant
Dr. Genevet and Prof. Jun S. Rho won Korea(NRF)-EU(ERC) collaboration grant
Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Colorado, USA
Job Opportunities
Candidates from various backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Please send me your CV and a brief description of your research interests via email. I also encourage visiting scholars who will be interested by a research position or to initiate some sort of collaboration to email me at: [email protected]